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Short Fringe
12 March 2012 @ 11:05 PM | 0 individual(s)
Blah blah blah. Hi hello readers! Nak tahu tak, petang tadi kita pergi saloon sorang sorang joo .____. And I was like first time. Takdalah actually dah rimas sangat dengan fringe yang panjang megurai nih. Thats why amik keputusan nak gunting sendiri takut cacat pulak. So pergi jelah saloon yang berapa jengkal dari rumah. Hehehehe and lastly semuanya jadi macam shit. Sebab amoy tu potong pendek sangat. That's why lepas sampai je rumah me terus setting sendiri and the result = AWESOME! Muahahaha *devil laugh
Kay tak sabar nak tunggu besok pagi ada job pgraphy birthday party. Yeay! Duit masyukkkkkkkkkkk Hihi

A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
Sit, silent and read.
Enjoice Readers!

Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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