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23 November 2011 @ 5:40 PM | 0 individual(s)
Hello Wasapp Readers ! Haha sekia lama tinggalkan blog yang berhabuk nih so now here I am with the new look . Hewwheww sumpah penat edit blog nih and it's take 2 days nak siapkan semua nih . Tapi Yahhh I'm finally berpuas hati dengan usaha yang dibuat . Haha mana taknya pukul 6 baru tidur semata mata nak siapkan blog pink nih . Haa okay nak sambung edit lagi . Kbyeee ! Haha 


A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
Sit, silent and read.
Enjoice Readers!

Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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