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24 October 2011 @ 2:24 AM | 0 individual(s)
Blood Type

Hello dan Assalamualikum :> Ewah wah Cik Nadia kita bangga nak post pasal Type Blood pepagi buta nih tau . Muehehe :3 Mana taknya Sabtu harituu kita ada pergi Event STARIA di Kolej Tuanku Kaunselor , UTM Skudai . So for sure ada activity right ? One Of Them are Blood Donation . Alah dalam bahasa melayu dia Derma Darah Sayang :> Haaa time first tuu memang meremang bulu tengkuk dibuatnya . Yelah tipu kita tak takut jarum . Alahai lemah badan :'D Ha last last dah kene pujuk and tenguk Majoriti budak ICon derma so kita pun isi borang nak derma lah kan . 
#Siapa tahu berat aku naik 4Kg after puasa . What The Hack Man -________-
Ha So Far semua okay then bila time check up / sesi berbual panjang dengan Doctor , dia advise kita tak boleh derma darah . Eh Hello ? Bukan reason apa kay -,- Hari Jumaat semalamnya kita makan ubat so dia advise jangan donate dulu . So kita pun suka leww 
Muehehe . Btw nampak tak bende alah comel biru dekat atas tu ? Ha actually harituu kita baru dapat tahu yang kita B+ BLOOD TYPE .
Isn't that Sweet :* Haha

Info Istimewa pada yang berdarah B :

1. Bertindak cepat.
2. Senang berpetualang.
3. Memiliki banyak teman.
4. Optimis tentang masa depan.
5. Berpikir objektif dan pragmatis.
6. Berorientasi tujuan atau cita-cita.
7. Memiliki rasa ingin tahu (curious).
8. Suka membujuk, penuh gairah, mesra.
9. Menilai atau mengkritik dengan kebenaran.
10. Ramah, tekun, jujur, aktif, kreatif, fleksibel.
11. Gigih dan tabah dalam menghadapi kesulitan.

Sumber Penulis : Dr Dito Anurogo

Tukar Omputih pulak Hehe :

Described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: 
1. Subjective , Easygoing , Creative , Original and flexible 
In another study, Type B's :
1. Scored significantly higher on "intuiting," indicating a preference or sixth sense information
2. Scored high on the "intuiting/feeling" combination
3. Indicating that they tend to be insightful, mystical, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people-oriented and good at imagining. 
4. Reported that they learned best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed. 
5. Perhaps the nomadic life of the steppes contributed to long hours given over to talk as well as ample time for meditation and reflection. 
6. Goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before them.
7. Outgoing and very charming, you’re good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things.
8. I
mpulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. 
9. Very strong and optimistic. 
10. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. 
11. Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, musician and journalist. 
12. Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's and yet ambitious like O's. 
13. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. 
14. Chameleon-like and flexible
15. Make good friends. 


A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
Sit, silent and read.
Enjoice Readers!

Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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