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30 July 2011 @ 1:25 AM | 0 individual(s)

Should I give up ? Should I cried ? And Should I lied to myself ? I'm sick and tired of pretending I'm okay . Yeah you saved me . You loved me . You fooled me . You hurt me . You ignored me . You broke me . You still haunt my dreams . But you still MEAN EVERYTHING to me :'(

I'm really sorry cause I can't be perfect as you hope and as you wish . I feel like I'm not gonna give you smile eveytime you need me . Yahh and if you think this is the time that you should honest to me Then you've got to ready to any type of risk . I'm really sorry sayang . Last question : SHOULD I DIE :')

A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
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Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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