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13 Decemberrrrrrrr
13 December 2010 @ 5:04 AM | 0 individual(s)
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh !
Totally mmg tak boleh tidooo pade 13 Disember nehh . Pehal nth ? Wait , tgok tarikh sikit : 13/12 . Ade meaning ke ? Haha :D Merepek jhe nadia nehh tau . Act badan nehh penad dehh sbb baru lepas hang-out dgn Si Muhammad Haikal ptg td . Perrhhh , sumpah tkkn boleh lupenye ptg smalam . HAHA . Nak tahu kenapa ? Sbb mase nak otw balek tho , motor nadia bolehh kan pancitt ? Oh goshh , petak siakk muke dkt tepi jalan *Naseb baek tak ramai org tgok tapi ade lha patel-2 yg jakoon melihat kite org :DDD
Tapi naseb baek ah ade pertolongan cemas dari bapak sedara dea . Lastly , dpt jugak balik rumah masing-2 dgn selamad *Fuhhh , leeegaaaa (:  Yee , budak itu buad photoshoot kejap dkt taman yg dekat rumah naddy tho . Er , geram dgn Si Haikal nehh , sbb bwak motor lajuu gile * elak tertinggal dkt blakang jhe td C:
Haishh , Gile betol td . Wee , thanks yek pade abg yg tlong kiteorg td *tkthu name ah ^^
Hishh , serik dh nehh :DD Bhaha 


A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
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Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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