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Nothing Than Nothing
07 October 2010 @ 7:47 PM | 0 individual(s)
Yeah , Hari Ney Cuti Skolah Sampai Hari Jumaat .
Agak Bosan Di Rumah But Lagi Bosan Bila Di Skolah **
Haha ^^
And Hari Ney Jugak My Younger Sister Pegy KL sbb Ade Rombongan Utk Skolah Dea
Rindu Dekat Tasha Taw <33
And Pade 07 October 2010 Ney Jugak Lha ,
Mcm Mcm Berlaku ,
Happy Ade , Kecewa Ade , Sedih Pun Ade .
Btw , Tknk Crite Forward Sgt ,
Takot Nnti Ade Yg Terasa .
Ouch ! **
Hah !
Nk Story Pasal My Bad Bad Teacher .
Ade Ke , Dari Minggu Lepas MemBEBEL , Suruh Kte Org Buad Drama Lha , Ape Lha .
Bile Semue Dh Get Ready , 
Ttbe Dea Kate Kene Postpone .
Name Pun Patel .
Perrgh , Nyirap Babe .
So, Daripada Tercongok Dekat Scola Tho , Lebihh Baek Balik Rumah Balik .
Kan Kan ?
Haha , Siod **
Mmg Kaw Tk Selamad .

Ouke , Enough From Here Then .
Byye C:

dear qyla ,

A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
Sit, silent and read.
Enjoice Readers!

Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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