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cuti cuti cuti ^^
02 September 2010 @ 11:39 AM | 0 individual(s)

So, Hari ni seperti biase tk ad ap yg brubah pun .
But today , last saye scola sbelum cuti raye .
Hehey (:
Sbb Mama kate "Trus jhe cuti , nnti kn senang skeyt nk tlong mama shopping " .
Actually, mmg suke gile cuti awal , but , mesti rindu dkt frenss terutama The Liar's .
Nnti due minggu tk jmpe ):
Sedihh Ouhh!


A 17th years old girl with plectrum.
Sit, silent and read.
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Dear Sticky Note,
Semua hotel dah full booked! Habis cuti ni nak spend dekat manaaaaa :( >> 4th June | 6:18 p.m
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